Graham Fitton President Wonthaggi Business and Tourism Association 16 Jun 2019

The WBTA has been busy this month working on several fronts that will support local businesses. The main one is the introduction a new service to local businesses.  On the Thursday 8th August we will be hosting the first of 4 business workshops and networking events at the Coffee Collective in McBride Street.  The session is entitled “Master Your Marketing” and will start at 6.00pm.  It will include a 30-minute presentation on Marketing, which is adapted from my premium business coaching programs, and I’ll be discussing how to identify you’re A-grade customers and how to reach them.  Marketing is the life-blood of any business and getting the right message to the right customers is essential for an efficient marketing program.  This will be followed by networking time where attendees can meet new people and have the opportunity to talk about their business.  Members will also have the opportunity to display marketing material and business cards on a dedicate table for attendees to gather up.  The evening will conclude with a ‘behind the scenes’ guided tour of Foon’s Photographics just up McBride Street.

The Coffee Collective is great venue to hold our first session and attendees will receive a complimentary drink and antipasto on arrival, followed by hot and cold canapes and a dessert.  Tickets are essential to gain entry and the cost is $10 for members of the WBTA and $35 for non-members.  We would like to see as many local businesses as possible attend.  You can book in now at

Other current activities of the association are implementing a new website so that members will have their details displayed on a professionally created directory site, and a new Town Map.

The WBTA has also received a draft of the Wonthaggi Activity Centre Plan from council and has distributed a copy to members for review.  It is a comprehensive report that covers a range of topics including land use and access and movement in the Wonthaggi CBD. It seeks to reinforce Wonthaggi’s status as a Regional Centre.  I would encourage all local business to get hold of a copy and provide comments to council. It’s your town – have your say!


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