Graham Fitton President Wonthaggi Business and Tourism Association 18 Dec 2019

Where has this year gone?  Most of the local traders will be run off their feet with the forthcoming Christmas frenzy.  This is a good time to pause and pay thanks for the wonderful region in which we live.  Whilst so many other communities are being ravaged by drought and uncontrolled bushfires, we are truly blessed with our environment and community.

Our members Christmas function was recently held at the State Coal Mine, and what a great day it was!  Our delicious lunch and was followed by a personalised mine tour for our group led by Lou Storti one of the original miners. Hearing the history of the mine from someone who helped make it was a treat, many thanks to you Lou for your piece of living history.  We all had a great day, and I could not help but muse over what a wonderful, but significantly underutilised, asset we have in the State Coal Mine.  If you haven’t taken the opportunity to get down there, then I wholeheartedly recommend you do.  It’s a great day out for single, couple and families.

Speaking of member benefits, in 2020 the WBTA will kick off a series of 4 workshops aimed at the 9 key areas where businesses make or lose money. I will be presenting shortened versions of my group coaching sessions.  They will be 100% free to members of the WBTA, so if you aren’t a member now is the time to join.  Given we are halfway through the year we will be offering new members a discounted rate of 50% renewable in July 2020.  The workshops will be roughly once per quarter so for 2 free sessions between now and July next year $100 is a small investment even if that’s the only benefit of which you avail yourself. Head on over to to sign up.

Finally, I would like to wish all the business owners, residents and volunteers of Wonthaggi and surrounding districts a happy and safe Christmas and New Year.  Whilst we are all tucking into our festive fare spare a thought for the tireless emergency services and medical personnel working hard to keep us safe and healthy, Drive safely, shop local, and I look forward to seeing you all in the new year geared up for a bumper 2020!


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